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9:00 am          Heavy Authorizations and Inspections Open, plus Pick-Ups (inspections will remain available throughout the day)

10:00 am          List Field Closes for Morning Court

11:00 am - 12:00 pm        Ladder of Renown Tournament 

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm        Lunch Break and Trothheim Tru Faradh Tournament

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm       Wounds Retained Bearpit Tournament

3:00 pm - 3:30 pm         Tavern Brawl Set-Up

3:30 pm - 4:00 pm         The Tavern Brawl

4:00 pm          Heavy List Field Closes


Ladder of Renown Rules: Four-tier tournaments fought "Atlantia" speed tourney style – all fighters are eligible – pair up, loser is out, fight until only one fighter remains in the tier – that fighter is the winner and may fight in the next tier up. The tiers are listed below and fight in order starting with Tier 1:

  • Tier 1 - Fighters with no fighting awards

  • Tier 2 - Fighters with highest award either Red Company or Dragon’s Tooth (AoA Level)

  • Tier 3 - Fighters with highest award Gold Mace (GoA Level)

  • Tier 4 - Fighters who are Royal Peers or Order of Chivalry

Winners of each tier will be announced on the field and in court.


Trothheim Tru Faradh Tournament: This is a closed tournament for the Trothheim household, but spectators are welcomed to watch!

Wounds Retained Bearpit Tournament Rules: Depending on number of fighters, we will run 2 to 4 pits; winner stays and losers return to the line. Winners may stay for a maximum of 5 wins and then must retire back to the line. 6’ maximum weapon length. May not change weapons once the fighter is holding the pit, but may change after leaving the pit. Fighters are scored as they leave the pit – losses score 1 point, wins score 3 points. Max score of 15 before a fighter must leave the pit and report.

The tournament will be run in two (2) 50-minute rounds with a 20-minute break in the middle. Tournament will be time-adjusted to keep to the schedule. Whatever weapon a fighter takes into the pit for a given set of fights cannot be changed, but a fighter may change weapons any time they are out of the list.

The Tavern Brawl Rules:

  • This is primarily silly, ridiculous fun for the fighters AND the spectators - so get in the spirit of things!

  • All combatants must be armored to normal heavy standards and gauntlets are required for the tavern brawl.

  • NO ACTUAL WEAPONS are used in the tavern brawl – weapon must be lightweight and silly-like things you might find in a tavern. All foam construction or cardboard or similar lightweight materials may be used. No full rattan or heavy objects, please. Siloflex tubing is legal for construction. The more ridiculous – the better. Weapons may include but are not limited to: foam motorcycles, cardboard tables, petrified dead cat, Nerf football throwing squids, foam fruit, foam cookies, musical instruments of dubious construction, mugs, classes, throwable dwarves, pies, and the like. Use your imagination! (Note: All weapons are available to everyone in the brawl. If you get hit and fall down for the five count, your weapon is up for grabs.)

  • Breakaway tables, chairs, chandeliers, etc. held together with Velcro like in any good tavern brawl are also acceptable.

  • The spectators may also make such weapons that may be thrown in from outside the list ropes – the populace is encouraged to participate and be just as creative. Throwing pizzas, foam frying pans, flying pies, throwing cookies, etc. are all welcome and we’d love to have as many kids participating as possible from outside the ropes.

  • All weapons must be at least 1 ¼ inches minimum dimension so they cannot go into eye slots or bar grills

  • Weapons should be light staying within a maximum of 5 pounds weight.

  • Stuffed animals of sufficient sturdiness are allowed in the tavern.

  • Any time any fighter in the tavern is hit by ANY object or projectile delivered by any person in or out of the list, they fall to the ground for a five count and then get back up and may continue. It’s all in good fun and being a good sport is key.

  • Light grappling is tolerated but if the marshals see any WWE moves or Jimmy Snuka coming off the top rope business, that fighter will be ejected from the brawl.

There is nothing to be won in the Tavern Brawl. It is purely for the fun of the fighters and a chance for the populace and the kids to bonk a few fighters. Go all out! Evel Knievel in a sequined jump suit over his armor riding a foam motorcycle has made an appearance at past brawls. An entire band including a foam stand-up bass and piano have also been seen (the bagpipe made from dog squeaky toys was very creative). The point of this is to create a spectacle and have a blast!

Any tournament questions may be directed to Count William of Fairhaven, Marshal In Charge of Heavy Weapons.


* Please note that the above schedule is tentative and may be changed at the whim or for the convenience of Their Royal Majesties or Their Excellencies of Flaming Gryphon.

©2024 Harvest Days by the Marche of Winged Hills, SCA

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