Friday, September 6 & Saturday, September 7, 2024
Greene County Expo Center & Fairgrounds
120 Fairground Road
Xenia, Ohio 45385-9543

8:00 am Troll Opens
9:00 am Heavy: Authorizations and Inspections Open
9:00 am Rapier: Authorizations and Inspections Open
10:00 am Morning Court
11:00 am Heavy: Ladder of Renown Tournament
11:00 am Archery: It's All Fun and Games Tournament
11:00 am Arts & Sciences: Ongoing Card, Board, and Dice Game Classes
11:00 am Rapier: Stab & Gab
12:00 pm Rapier: Roundtable
12:00 pm Heavy: Trothheim Tru Faradh Tournament (Invitation Only)
1:00 pm Harvest Days Bardic Championship: "A Celebration of the Harvest"
1:00 pm Heavy: Polearm/Great Weapon Tournament
1:00 pm Rapier: Stab & Gab
2:00 pm Heavy: Wounds Retained Bearpit Tournament
1:30 pm Archery: Signups begin for Baronial Archery Championship
2:00 pm Rapier: Coaching Corner and Vigilants hold the field
2:00 pm Archery: Baronial Archery Championship
3:00 pm Rapier: Gambling Den
3:30 pm Heavy: The Tavern Brawl
4:00 pm Heavy and Rapier List Fields and Archery and Thrown Weapons Ranges Close
5:00 pm? Evening Court (List Field)
8:00 pm Site Closes
* Please note that the above schedule is tentative and may be changed at the whim or for the convenience of Their Royal Majesties or Their Excellencies of Flaming Gryphon.